Methology & Goals

SHOTPROS will adopt a strong human and stakeholder centred research approach building on the psychology, criminology, Human Computer Technology and VR Technology expertise within the consortium. As an integral basis of the project, USE and AIT with their strong background on user-centred-design as well as KUL with their expertise in requirements for criminology contexts, will collect user requirements from the LEA stakeholders (e.g. trainees, trainer, police academy leads, decision-makers for training programs, etc) on several perspectives (e.g. ethic, gender, safety, legal, privacy, business, etc.).

End-User in the centre of research 

In this process the LEA’s rich practical knowledge on (potentially) high risk situations and resulting decisions from their officers together with VESTA’s strong background in police training facilities and processes will be transferred into definitions and requirements for the streamlined scenario building process in the later stages of the project. With respect to DMA models VUA will utilize their outstanding knowledge and overview on existing modelling approaches and together with KUL and their expertise on human factors in criminology they will derive the innovative conceptual model of DMA behaviour including different contextual and human factors that influence perception, decision-making and acting in potentially threatening situations close collaboration with personnel from all participating LEA’s.

SHOTPROS - overview methodology of VR training

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