News & Events

Kick-off event in Vienna

12. May 2019

The SHOTPROS project started with a successful kick-off event at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Vienna. All partners attended on the 8th / 9th of May 2019 to get to know the consortium, to introduce their organisation and to discuss the further steps of the project.

The kick-off event started with presentations from each consortium partner as well as presentations about SHOTPROS’ work packages (WPs) by the respective WP leaders on the first day. The second day consisted of WP presentations as well as a more interactive session with a focus on discussions about topics raised by the partners. Possibly critical spots were uncovered and discussed in a solution-focused manner. Lastly, a plan of action for the following months was outlined. Throughout the consortium meeting, knowledge and experience was freely shared among the various partners both in the formal and informal settings of the two days.

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