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Study: Real-time stress and performance measurement in Virtual Reality


SHOTPROS brings end user views, scientific analysis and technology together in one project. Research therefore is an important part of the project – In August 2021 the SHOTPROS project  conducted the 3rd human factors study week at the premises of one of our law enforcement partners, LAFP NRW. Stress and performance of the police officers were measured in real-time while they trained in the current SHOTPROS VR solution.

Stress is an obvious factor in daily police life – therefore a thoroughassessment on the usage of stress inducing factors within the VR solution is an important part of the project. This study aimed to test the usability of real-time assessment of stress and performance measures and to identify interrelations of psychophysiological stress responses and performance. Furthermore, the research partner University of Heidelberg responsible for this study aimed to identify real-time performance measures that are not directly observable and that are associated with  stress responses and patterns as „warning signal“ for overstress.

During the study, the recovery processes after the scenario (e.g. during the after-action review) was tracked as an indicator of resilience. Following the human-centred research approach in SHOTPROS, quick co-creation workshops with experts on performance measurement in the VR were conducted by the research partner AIT – Center for Technology Experience based on real-time observations of the VR training experience. This contributes to the improvement of the VR system and the procedure for set-up and training.

The outcomes are currently being analysed and will be used to evaluate the utilisation of physiological and performance measures as potential KPIs (Key Performacne Indicators) for the integration into the trainer dashboard and the real-time training progress visualisation of the software. In addition, the co-creation workshop will feed into the agile technical development of the VR system.

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