News & Events

SHOTPROS Field Trials Roadshow


The Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation project SHOTPROS is developing an innovative Virtual Reality (VR) solution for European first responder police training. The third year of the project aims to demonstrate the innovative training system and its potential to stakeholders across Europe.

Since the project start in 2019, the consortium has made significant progress towards its ambition to develop innovative law enforcement training. More than 800 police officers with different levels of work experience have tried the VR solution and evaluated it to enable further improvement. The technical partners adapted the system in an agile, end user centred process – with big success! Latest studies have shown, that 96 % of the police officers who tried the system, recommend using VR training in the future. “It´s a great solution to train anywhere, anytime, anything”, a German police trainer highlights after using the SHOTPROS VR solution.

Implementing innovative training solutions also contributes to the digitalisation strategies of European law enforcement agencies. To make this possible, however, all stakeholders have the chance to see the benefits and added value. Therefore, the SHOTPROS project is currently planning a roadshow across Europe to demonstrate the VR-enhanced police training in the first half of 2022. The VR system will be available for try-out in Austria, Romania, Germany (Berlin & NRW), the Netherlands and Belgium. Stakeholders such as police officers, training experts, policy-makers in the field of police training and journalists will be invited to experience they system and learn more about the project results.

Dates & locations of the field trials

  • Austria – Vienna / Seibersdorf @ CBRN Academy Seibersdorf (7-11 FEBRUARY 2022)
  • Romania – Bucharest (21-25 MARCH 2022)
  • The Netherlands – Amsterdam (4-8 APRIL 2022)
  • Germany – NRW Selm (19-22 APRIL 2022)
  • Germany – Berlin (16-20 MAY 2022)
  • Belgium – Ranst (14-15 SEPTEMBER 2022)

You are interested in the field trials and / or want to attend? Get in contact with!

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