News & Events

SHOTPROS 1st Field Trial in Seibersdorf


The first SHOTPROS field trial took place from 7th to 11th February 2022 in Seibersdorf, Austria. It was the start of our roadshow across Europe to demonstrate the project results and the SHOTPROS virtual reality training.

The innovative training program allows a detailed examination of how human factors influence the decision-making and reactions of police officers. Different scenarios were presented such as a bank robbery with hostage-taking, a carjacking or domestic violence and each time virtual avatars or trainers acted as role players. The participating police officers have been equipped with a VR headset, realistic 3D-printed police gear such as a flashlight and handcuffs, as well as a VR suit containing sensors on arms and legs.

The sensors recorded the police officers movements for later analysis and the after-action review. The stress level of the participants was also measured by a team of scientists from the project partner AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology. This alows to determine the level at which a law enforcement officer no longer acts, but only reacts. The field trial was also a good opportunity to test the Mobile Multi-Sensory Platform (MMSP). The platform intends to involve as many senses as possible in the exercise, such as the sense of thermoception or feeling pain, and see whether and how it affects the perception.

Upcoming dates & locations of the field trials

  • Romania – Bucharest (21-25 MARCH 2022)
  • The Netherlands – Amsterdam (4-8 APRIL 2022)
  • Germany – NRW Selm (19-22 APRIL 2022)
  • Germany – Berlin (16-20 MAY 2022)
  • Belgium – Ranst (14-15 SEPTEMBER 2022)

If you need further information or want to participate please contact us

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